Could there be a tennis ball jammed in my Lobster Sports tennis ball machine?

A tennis ball jammed in your Lobster Sports tennis ball machine will cause it to malfunction. As a result, the machine will return an error message and shut down.

To confirm whether there is a tennis ball jammed inside the machine or ball chute (grey slide inside the machine that the balls roll down towards the server wheels), please follow these steps:

  1. Stand in front of the machine when it is turned off
  2. Look into the front of the machine where the balls shoot out
  3. Check whether you can see tennis ball behind the two server wheels
  4. If you can see one, please follow this FAQ to remove it. If not, please contact us so we could guide you further

Note that on rare occasions, there could be a tennis ball jammed under the bottom server wheel. To check on this, try to move it with your hand clockwise and anti-clockwise.

If the wheel does not rotate, carefully look for the tennis ball with your hand and remove it.

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